Thursday, 8 May 2014

Dreamcatcher, Between Myth and Fashion Trends

Dream catcher, maybe some people have heard of this thing, but some of them don't. However, do they know the myth of the dream catcher itself? Or perhaps they use it just for trendy and stylish to follow current trends.
Dreamcatcher is often associated with dreams, but actually has a broad meaning. Dreamcatcher is not only used for capturing good or a bad dream, but rather a talisman which is believed to gather positive energy and eliminate negative energy.
Maybe young people who follow trends have often heard about the dreamcatcher. Which at this time, has become a 'must have item' of young people's fashion lovers. Dream catcher is currently used as an accessory in their looks when traveling to campus, mall, or just gathering in a coffee shop with their friends.
But, whether dreamcatcher is  used because it's myth or just for trends, it still a 'chic' thing for you to have :)

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